Project Description


Project: Corpus Christi College

Project value: £11,000

Duration: 10 Days

Project Info

TMP Interiors were appointed by Kingerlee ltd, who recognised the value of working with TMP Interiors and utilising their extensive experience and expertise for internal partition walls.

This requirement was to deliver a temporary works package that consisted of internal partition walls, door sets and further decoration to separate occupied parts of the live college ahead of later major extension works to commence in the coming weeks ahead.

Added to the prestige of this project, TMP Interiors had the demanding expectation to ensure complete diligence in all areas whilst works were being undertaken. This was especially focussed as the majority of these works were within the library where historic/rare books are stored of which required protection and care. Diligence is something we pride ourselves on and why clients return time after time.

The full requirements on this project were delivered to the clients exacting standards.

“TMP Interiors delivered this project with due care, professionalism and understanding for the historic nature of the library and its surroundings. We would highly recommend TMP Interiors.”

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